So, You Keep Getting Hacked?

So, You Keep Getting Hacked?

June 01, 2020 2130 Comments

Which one was it this time?  Your Instagram?  Snap Chat?  Gmail?  Bank accounts?  Let me guess, you recently received notice that <insert brand here> had a little mishap and some data may have been compromised?  Or, your data got stolen during the OPM hack.  Or the Equifax hack.  Or the Yahoo hack.  Whatever it is, somehow, somewhere, your information was stolen.  P.S. if you want a really good listen to what hackers can do, listen to this episode from the podcast /Reply-All/. 

But you say, I was using two-factor authentication!  I promise.  That’s great, it really is, but unfortunately in today’s world, that doesn’t mean you’re safe anymore.  I’ll talk about that in a bit. 

Maybe you’re just sharing too much information on social media. 

Maybe the hacker got lucky.  Probably not. 

So let’s talk through a few different areas where I see people making mistakes. 

Scenario 1

Girl on Instagram (not naming names here) posts on her Instagram stories that two of her accounts got hacked.  She goes on t1o say that many of her accounts all had some variation of the same password and she has no idea how she got hacked.  I didn’t ask her what that password was, nor did she share that information (smart), but I spent some time going back and forth with her, giving her tips of what to do. 

The thing is, this is more common than it should be, but it seems like most people are too worried or nervous to talk about it, same as in the commercial world (think about all these big box stores or companies that take months if not longer to come out about a compromise).  How do we change this?  Well one, it’s not a death sentence if you’re hacked, and two, it’s not something you should be embarrassed about.  Hackers are getting better, and we’re all sharing more information on the internet than ever before. 

If you’re an influencer or are aspiring to be an influencer, you’re probably posting a lot.  Well, what are you posting about?  Pictures of where you live?  Places you frequent?  Your family?  Throwbacks from high school?  Embarrassing stories?  Now take a second to think about how compiling all that information could paint a pretty substantial file on you.  Look through the last few weeks or month of your Instagram posts and stories, your blog posts, your Facebook.. Now think about it from an outsider’s point of view.  If you were someone else looking into your life from the outside, what kind of story are you telling?  Do your pictures have any sensitive information (address, delivery boxes, favorite coffee shops, and don’t laugh, I’ve seen it all)?  You might ask how your favorite coffee shop could be considered sensitive.  Well, if you go there every Saturday morning at 11am, and then again every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm, you’re setting a pattern for yourself.  All I have to do is set up shop an hour before you get there and look busy.  Then I can use a multitude of tools in an attempt to hi-jack your information, or I could just strike up a conversation with you based on the information I already have.  You say you don’t talk to strangers?  Well what if I know your favorite obscure band or sports team and I happen to have that shirt on?  You’re probably going to be more inclined to at least have a short conversation with me now aren’t you? 

Scenario 2

Now let’s think about those security questions we’ve answered again and again when we set up an account so if we lose our password we can still get in.  What city were you born in?  What was your first pet’s name?  What was your first car?  What is your mother’s maiden name?  What is your paternal grandfather’s first name?  What is your best friends first name?  What is your favorite color?  What is your favorite food?

Now remember when the quarantine started and everyone was posting quizzes on Facebook and Instagram?  Let’s take a second and think about what kind of questions they were asking. 

I’ll give you a couple minutes.

Now what kind of information are we seeing here?  They are a lot of the same questions, aren’t they?

How many times did you see something like this go around? Well, I’m glad that at least went somewhat viral because it’s true.  Yes, of course that isn’t a real quiz, they’re just making light of the fact many of these quizzes are indeed allowing the bad guy to learn a lot of information about you. 

I’ve talked a little about phishing and social engineering, both here and on the podcast, but it’s worth repeating.  People share a lot of information about themselves on the internet.  We all have a desire to be liked, to be respected, to fit in.  Social media makes that a lot easier, but it also raises the risk of what information people can use when they are targeting someone or something.  You can change your privacy settings to avoid public posts, but what happens when you get a new friend request from an attractive individual you may or may not have met at the bar last weekend?  Do you blindly accept it?  This is another way that attackers are able to bypass the “friends only” settings.  Again, we all want to be liked and to have friends.  It’s not a bad thing, as long as we recognize it as a potential bias or flaw at times. 

Scenario 3

Sometimes I join random groups on Facebook so I can get an idea of what the non-tech world is doing. Sometime last week someone posted this in one of those groups:

My first reaction was confusion, then a little bit of shock, then a lot more confusion.  Maybe it’s a generational thing, but then again I’m not that old and I still can’t get behind TikTok either.  Or maybe I’m just paranoid because I work in cybersecurity. 

By the end of the day I think there were over 100 comments on this, many of them showing pictures that they’ve airdropped to strangers in Target, or have received themselves, waiting in line at the grocery store or walking through the airport.  What?!  Airdrop is really handy at times, I get it.  I’ve used it a handful of times, but my airdrop is usually turned off, and when it’s on, I have it so only contacts can send to me.  I also don’t have many contacts, so it might as well be off 😉

I then did a quick google search of airdrop attacks, I’m talking two minutes total here.  There’s this one from December 2019 where hackers can block iPhones and iPads via Airdrop attacks.  There was this one in August of 2019 that would show your phone number and passwords to malicious third parties.  Oh and don’t forget, you can also hide malware inside images using an old technique known as steganography

Can we see why hacking might be occurring more and more? 

Here’s an experiment, influencer or not.  Look back at the last few months of your posts across your most used social media outlet.  Or even better, look back to your first Facebook or Instagram pictures and posts.  What kind of information are you finding? 

How about some potential good news.  In 2016, Norton released a report where they surveyed 21,000 people in 21 countries.  According to this report, 76% reported sharing passwords and engaging in risky behaviors despite knowing they need to actively protect themselves; 44% said they felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information they’re responsible to safeguard (raises hand, guilty); and 35% have at least one unprotected device.  Does it get better with the more recent 2019 report?  Depends on how you define this word “better”.  A little over 10,000 individuals from 10 countries were polled, with 66% saying they have chosen not to download an app or use a service based on its privacy policy (good!); 84% reporting taking at least one step to protect their online activities; 60% saying it is impossible to protect their privacy or that it is too late to do so because their information is already out there; and 66% that are worried their identity will be stolen. 

There’s still a lot to do, we are seeing a little progress between 2016 and now, but we can see there is still a lot of fear out there.  The 84% that reported taking steps to protecting their online activities is huge, but it was also reported that these were very basic activities such as clearing cookies or limiting information shared online, not using VPNs, using anonymous payment methods, or even going so far as to delete social media accounts.  Progress is progress though.  Little by little I hope people will start to see they don’t have to lock down their entire lives, but they can take steps to make it more secure at least. 

Do you want help in securing things?  Let me know, I can try and help out.

100 Responses

Herman Archie
Herman Archie

August 17, 2023

It’s still odd that people are unaware of how to retrieve lost items such as wallets, phrase keys, and cryptocurrency. When partnered with accredited digital asset recovery programmers, everything is feasible—even though I used to think the contrary. Have you ever lost money as a result of fraud on phony investing websites? fret less because Wizard Web Recovery has the resources to assist people in regaining control of their livelihoods and companies by reclaiming any money they may have sent or lost to scammers, regardless of how long ago it may have occurred. After sending a cryptocurrency fraudster $210,000.00 to help me with an investment, I finally realized you might get your money back from them. When I was unable to contact them anymore, I engaged Wizard Web Recovery, and they were able to retrieve my money. I’m grateful I ran into these internet experts. Quickly use Wizard Web Recovery’s technologies to get the assistance you require through wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer (. ) net

Nicholas Kohn
Nicholas Kohn

August 17, 2023

I’m recommending the services of Jethacks to everyone out there , these guys are excellent hackers and they say give credit to whom credit is due so this is just my little way of showing appreciation to this Team for giving me my life back when all hope was nearly lost . I invested huge sum of money in the space of 6months with a crypto mining platform who gave me my personal mining machine to enable me mine BTC and ETH all provided to me on the website , I get to mine 2x daily morning and night and the profits will be adding with each running period , it was so legit if I wanted it mine faster and more efficient then I have to invest more so basically the amount you invested will determine the profits so after a few weeks I got a steady amount and I felt I could trust them only for me to invest all of my money and started having trouble with withdrawals and eventually they froze my account and I wasn’t able to login . Listen these guys are predators and it isn’t our fault , we’re all humans and that’s why I decided to share my story here , Jethacks Recovery Team traced and recovered my funds for me after 3 days I reached out to them . You can also contact them on Email : Jethacks7@GMAIL .Com
and Telegram ID : Jethackss

Gerald Wilson
Gerald Wilson

August 17, 2023

I failed a victim to a fraudulent Binary Company it was indeed a tough time for me after i was ripped off by this Binary Investors. i got linked to them through Instagram and we started texting, after a while of being in contact and knowing a bit more about each other that lead me into sharing some personal informations with him, Unknowingly to me i was dealing with a scammer and liar, this person made me believe a fake website that he uses to carry out his criminal activities in the name of Binary trading platform, i had invested hugely into this platform because i never doubted this or what he had said to me as i thought i was investing without knowing that i was being played. i never know all this wasn’t real till when the time for my withdrawal came, they automatically disabled me from making my withdrawals successfully.. every attempt to withdraw was been declined, i felt very uncomfortable with the situation, i was been directed to pay more fees before withdraw can be activated i didn’t know what else to do at certain point but later came up with the thought of getting a hacker it was then that i got to meet ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM with their contact info ( ROOTKITS4 (AT) G M A I L . CO M ) through peoples recommendation and reviews, they succeeded in retrieving back my lost funds back to my wallet I’m really grateful for that, finally got myself back after the depression and nightmares i went through, special thanks to this Team.

Yasser Mohammed
Yasser Mohammed

August 16, 2023

I strongly recommend the service of Lord Hacker Ultimate, a hacking/recovery agency to you and their contacts, I have used them quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. They does all types of Hacking/Recovery, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whtsapp, Instagram, Text messages, Snapchat, Hang out, Twitter, Hangout, Lost Funds/BTC recovery, Bank accounts loading/hacking, Credit cards top up, office files, Boost credit scores to 750 plus with all credit bureaus etc. Contact this Great Hacking/Recovery agency on Lord Hacker Ultimate hacking agency (L.H.ULTIMATE @ FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp: +19095063423 or Website: lordhackerultimate.wixsite. com/lordhackerultimate. Their YouTube Page @ lordhackerultimate)

Yasser Mohammed
Yasser Mohammed

August 16, 2023

I strongly recommend the service of Lord Hacker Ultimate, a hacking/recovery agency to you and their contacts, I have used them quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. They does all types of Hacking/Recovery, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whtsapp, Instagram, Text messages, Snapchat, Hang out, Twitter, Hangout, Lost Funds/BTC recovery, Bank accounts loading/hacking, Credit cards top up, office files, Boost credit scores to 750 plus with all credit bureaus etc. Contact this Great Hacking/Recovery agency on Lord Hacker Ultimate hacking agency (L.H.ULTIMATE @ FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp: +19095063423 or Website: lordhackerultimate.wixsite. com/lordhackerultimate. Their YouTube Page @ lordhackerultimate)

Daniel Farwell
Daniel Farwell

August 16, 2023

I very much stand with any action that one could possibly imaging to take against this fake companies , they deserve to be liquidated and every one of them prosecuted for what they’ve done to us , i just wonder why the authorities are not doing anything about it , it’s not our fault that we try to make our money work for us , it is the duty of the government to create a safe space for us all and verify all of these establishments before allowing them to get in business …. I just imagine what would’ve happened to me if we didn’t have competent hackers like Jethacks to help us in these kind of situations. I had invested an initial deposit of $2.1M with AVATRADE , a trading company who hides behinds forged certificates to make them look real , I did my due diligence before investing such a huge amount with them , they have a physical address with numerous certificates to back their authenticity and within the space of 15 months I invested a total of $2.1M .. we held so many scheduled live calls and exchanged signed documents which made me believe in the process and if not for JETHACKS , i probably wouldn’t have gotten back a penny and I’d still be thinking they were legit and I also still be paying more gas fees, tax fees and other fees sigh .. To anyone reading this you need to quit on any business you have with any high ROI platforms/companies and if you’re a victim of this ponzi scams and you’ve lost funds in the process then reach out to Jethacks today , i will be sharing the contact details below so you can either reach out to them on Telegram username @ Jethackss and Email address: Jethacks7 @ gmail . COM

Donna Charles
Donna Charles

August 16, 2023

Being duped by dubious sources may make investing online so chaotic and unexpected. I was defrauded of BTC worth $210,000. Until I was told about Wizard web recovery, I was upset and thought I had lost everything. Because of my past interactions, I was at first hesitant, but since a trustworthy buddy had recommended it to me and I had already lost a significant amount of money, I decided to give it a try. I got in touch with Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery by email: In contrast to what I expected, Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was shockingly successful in recovering all of my lost money. If you are out there and have had your hard-earned money stolen, contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery and they will be able to help you get your money back. Even though they charge for their service, it is worth it.

Contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) or visit their Website:


August 15, 2023

I was so scared to death that I believed I had lost everything, but Craker Cyberdude is the finest. I never imagined that I would be able to retrieve my live money from my blockchain account that had been frozen. With $70,000 in it, my blockchain account was frozen. I did everything I was able to do to unlock my account, as well as everything else that was expected of me, but it was ineffective. I tried getting in touch with blockchain’s customer service, but it was unsuccessful. After a month, I finally ran into an old acquaintance who I hadn’t spoken to in a very long time because I was too ashamed to meet him in my dreadful state. We had a number of conversations until I decided to tell him about my predicament. He expressed sympathy for me and gave me Craker cyberdude as the answer to my problem. They are hackers who focus on recovering money, particularly bitcoin. Craker Cyberdude helped me retrieve most of the cash that were locked in my blockchain account, which made me extremely happy. I am grateful for their wisdom and support of humanity. I do appreciate it, which is why I’m posting this for everyone to thank Craker(@)cyberdude. com for your assistance and offe


August 15, 2023

I was so scared to death that I believed I had lost everything, but Craker Cyberdude is the finest. I never imagined that I would be able to retrieve my live money from my blockchain account that had been frozen. With $70,000 in it, my blockchain account was frozen. I did everything I was able to do to unlock my account, as well as everything else that was expected of me, but it was ineffective. I tried getting in touch with blockchain’s customer service, but it was unsuccessful. After a month, I finally ran into an old acquaintance who I hadn’t spoken to in a very long time because I was too ashamed to meet him in my dreadful state. We had a number of conversations until I decided to tell him about my predicament. He expressed sympathy for me and gave me Craker cyberdude as the answer to my problem. They are hackers who focus on recovering money, particularly bitcoin. Craker Cyberdude helped me retrieve most of the cash that were locked in my blockchain account, which made me extremely happy. I am grateful for their wisdom and support of humanity. I do appreciate it, which is why I’m posting this for everyone to thank Craker(@)cyberdude. com for your assistance and offe

Greta Huber
Greta Huber

August 15, 2023

At the beginning it was all going very well and very smooth but I guess that’s how fraudulent establishments operates , they make you believe In their business to get you in and then move to extort you of every penny you have . I’m lucky I got to know of JETHACKS and eventually i got my story twist in the end but i can’t say the same for the plenty other victims out there , who have fallen victim to the plenty of fraudulent investment schemes out there you can reach out to Jethacks now and have your funds recovered , that was how I got back all of my money , when all hope seemed to be lost Jethacks came through for me in that moment , I had reached out to them after reading so many great reviews about them , they trace , monitor and retrieve funds lost to scammers and I can confidently say they are the best very efficient and credible for how excellently he handled my case , you can reach out to him on their official Telegram username @ Jethackss and also Email address : Jethacks7 @ gmail . com

Barbara Walter
Barbara Walter

August 15, 2023

Fixing my credit with the help of H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST was the best thing that has happened to me this year, it was fast and easy. At first, I thought it to be a scam, but they proved me wrong by shooting up my F I C O score from 553 to 785, cleared all outstanding debt worth $25,000 and cleared derogatory, repossessions, and collections from my credit profile in less than 8 working days. All I did was contact them through the contact details I got from other good reviews about them online EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7]. Thank you!!

williams smith
williams smith

August 15, 2023

“I recently enlisted one of personal chargeback recovery services and I must admit I was more than impressed. If you have been a victim of bitcoin or any cryptocurrency scam, I feel like it’s my duty to connect you all with a legit hacker like him. I started having a lot of issues with an investment company that goes by the name drip coin when I placed a withdrawal order for 297,000 USD I had with them. The so-called accountant disappeared, the support team did not respond to any of my emails and I thought it was over because I made the payments in crypto but I didn’t give up to have my funds back. Luckily for me with the help of WIZARD WITHNEY BLOCKCHAIRHACK SERVICE I was able to recover my funds. I salute him for his service and I write to others who might need his help in getting their funds back from such companies. His personal info is: Wizardwithneyblockchairhackser(@) gmail(.)com, that is a means you can reach them on.

Rashid Punjab
Rashid Punjab

August 14, 2023

Initially I saw investing in Bitcoin as a means to generate passive income on a weekly basis for my family. However, my experience took a negative turn after I lost my daughter’s tuition fees to a fraudulent website I had been actively investing with. I had been saving for a long time to ensure her dreams of studying in Canada would come true. Losing the money to scammers left me deeply disappointed and fearful that I might never be able to recover the funds. With only a few days left before the tuition fee deadline, I felt depressed and unsure of what to do. My daughter remained unaware of the situation, and I couldn’t bear to let her down, witnessing her excitement about studying at her dream college.
Determined to find a solution, I searched online and fortuitously discovered a crypto recovery hacker who could assist me. After explaining the urgency of my situation, they assured me that they would handle it effectively. Within a few days, my funds were successfully returned to me. Without hesitation, I promptly paid my daughter’s fees and experienced a tremendous sense of relief.Thank God I was able to conquer this , if not my daughter would have been disappointed after hearing how I lost the money . These hac*kers really. Did a great job and I’m grateful to them for the effort and time they put into this . Contact the team at VIRT UAL HACK NET @ GMA IL . COM / on Telegram using the handle @ Virtualhacknet.

Victory Jeff
Victory Jeff

August 14, 2023

I saw a reviews about how to hire a hacker to recover stolen bitcoin by Amy Victor she said her 83000usdt was recovered by Santoshi Hacker, I cupid their contact given by testimony Amy Victor I mailed to the hacker and asked if they have an ideas how I can unlocked my blocked crypto wallet got a reply less than hour and I was told to state my case and give a screenshot of my evidence I did all that trust me friends a new private key was generated to gain access to my wallet my blocked crypto wallets is unlock now. I really want you all to pay attention to Santoshi hacker is a good hacker with some patients, one thing am sure of Santoshi hacker can retrieve your cryptocurrencies accounts wallet lost to scammers back to your wallet ,list of things you should trust this hacker for lost of passwords, they can reclaim your lost crypto currency, consult Santoshi hacker to get your accounts fixed or retrieve lost money back from scammers they can help you trace fake investments companies trying to scam you.
website of Santoshi Hacker and other sites you can reach out to them.
for retrieving I we always recommend Santoshi Hacker.

iIlliom Gerrard
iIlliom Gerrard

August 14, 2023

I have been in the forex world for over 8years and of course I was making significant profits daily , I had no time for any other thing , in this life if you want to succeed at something then you got to give it your all as my mentor would always say and that was how it was for me but I got hungrier , I saw the BTC go on a bullish run and everyone was just diving into it so I thought why not but where do I start , being in forex was already a handful for me so I couldn’t start trading and studying the crypto market also , I’d go crazy … but i was still very much interested in the Bitcoin market well not anymore haha , it’s funny now as I recount on my experience but back then it was a critical situation for me cos I eventually hit rock bottom with my ventures in crypto trading , I found a crypto trading company with guarantees on return on investments it was very accommodating for me , all I had to do was buy in with a certain amount while they do the trading for me and it also allowed me to focus on my forex trading but it was all a lie and I ended up almost loosing £605,890 in their hands if it wasn’t for the help of a Crypto Recovery Team JETHACKS that has experience in helping individuals recover lost funds and assets , I contacted them through their Telegram username @ Jethackss and provided them with details of the transactions I have made with the company and they assured me that my funds would be swiftly recovered successfully and I should have faith . I was at home on the third day when I received a deposit confirmation of £605,890 which I confirmed and converted into cash and it was all there in my bank for spending thanks to the Jethacks Team . If you’re looking for a credible team to help you get back your stolen funds and assets , you can contact them via the Telegram username above or their official Email address Jethacks7 AT gmail DoT com

iIlliom Gerrard
iIlliom Gerrard

August 14, 2023

I have been in the forex world for over 8years and of course I was making significant profits daily , I had no time for any other thing , in this life if you want to succeed at something then you got to give it your all as my mentor would always say and that was how it was for me but I got hungrier , I saw the BTC go on a bullish run and everyone was just diving into it so I thought why not but where do I start , being in forex was already a handful for me so I couldn’t start trading and studying the crypto market also , I’d go crazy … but i was still very much interested in the Bitcoin market well not anymore haha , it’s funny now as I recount on my experience but back then it was a critical situation for me cos I eventually hit rock bottom with my ventures in crypto trading , I found a crypto trading company with guarantees on return on investments it was very accommodating for me , all I had to do was buy in with a certain amount while they do the trading for me and it also allowed me to focus on my forex trading but it was all a lie and I ended up almost loosing £605,890 in their hands if it wasn’t for the help of a Crypto Recovery Team JETHACKS that has experience in helping individuals recover lost funds and assets , I contacted them through their Telegram username @ Jethackss and provided them with details of the transactions I have made with the company and they assured me that my funds would be swiftly recovered successfully and I should have faith . I was at home on the third day when I received a deposit confirmation of £605,890 which I confirmed and converted into cash and it was all there in my bank for spending thanks to the Jethacks Team . If you’re looking for a credible team to help you get back your stolen funds and assets , you can contact them via the Telegram username above or their official Email address Jethacks7 AT gmail DoT com


August 14, 2023


At Ultimate Hacker Jerry, Have a team of legal cryptocurrency investigators. The team is excellent at conducting extensive investigations. They have advanced software that classifies links between cryptocurrency addresses and entities. It assists in finding similar criminals, fiat on and off-ramps, and mixers.
They create and document everything on these servers; in the form of intelligence for law enforcement cases. It helps with Bitcoin Recovery. It also assists in cases of ransomware, money laundering, terrorism financing, narcotics trafficking.UHJ’s detailed reports proved to be beneficial for the investigation and always lent a hand with judicial proceedings.Their experts will help with the witness in the court; when it’s time to prosecute and recover the assets. Ultimate Hacker Jerry acts as a network connecting an exceptionally trained team with the investors who’ve lost their bitcoins and other cryptos along the way.


Call or Whtsp  +1(520)282-7151)
Visit website: 


Jamie Hawke
Jamie Hawke

August 14, 2023


Hello, my name is Jamie Hawke – Managing editor (Securityweek)
I was involved in a bitcoin trading scam, I came across a company website that promised a big return on investment. I was completely sold. The website was excellent, and after much coaxing, I opted to invest 278,000 USD, which unfortunately ended up in the wrong hands. I was frustrated until I sought the counsel of a Crypto Expert CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. I had no notion there were techniques for reclaiming stolen funds. I emailed the highly rated expert. I explained my case to Expert and provided all the required information and to my amazement, CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS refunded 90% of my BITCOIN to my wallet within a few working days, which I didn’t think was possible. I was startled as well as relieved.

With folks like CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS on your side, Crypto recovery is possible.

Jamie Hawke
Jamie Hawke

August 14, 2023


Hello, my name is Jamie Hawke – Managing editor (Securityweek)
I was involved in a bitcoin trading scam, I came across a company website that promised a big return on investment. I was completely sold. The website was excellent, and after much coaxing, I opted to invest 278,000 USD, which unfortunately ended up in the wrong hands. I was frustrated until I sought the counsel of a Crypto Expert CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. I had no notion there were techniques for reclaiming stolen funds. I emailed the highly rated expert. I explained my case to Expert and provided all the required information and to my amazement, CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS refunded 90% of my BITCOIN to my wallet within a few working days, which I didn’t think was possible. I was startled as well as relieved.

With folks like CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS on your side, Crypto recovery is possible.

Jamie Hawke
Jamie Hawke

August 14, 2023


Hello, my name is Jamie Hawke – Managing editor (Securityweek)
I was involved in a bitcoin trading scam, I came across a company website that promised a big return on investment. I was completely sold. The website was excellent, and after much coaxing, I opted to invest 278,000 USD, which unfortunately ended up in the wrong hands. I was frustrated until I sought the counsel of a Crypto Expert CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. I had no notion there were techniques for reclaiming stolen funds. I emailed the highly rated expert. I explained my case to Expert and provided all the required information and to my amazement, CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS refunded 90% of my BITCOIN to my wallet within a few working days, which I didn’t think was possible. I was startled as well as relieved.

With folks like CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS on your side, Crypto recovery is possible.

Jamie Hawke
Jamie Hawke

August 14, 2023


Hello, my name is Jamie Hawke – Managing editor (Securityweek)
I was involved in a bitcoin trading scam, I came across a company website that promised a big return on investment. I was completely sold. The website was excellent, and after much coaxing, I opted to invest 278,000 USD, which unfortunately ended up in the wrong hands. I was frustrated until I sought the counsel of a Crypto Expert CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. I had no notion there were techniques for reclaiming stolen funds. I emailed the highly rated expert. I explained my case to Expert and provided all the required information and to my amazement, CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS refunded 90% of my BITCOIN to my wallet within a few working days, which I didn’t think was possible. I was startled as well as relieved.

With folks like CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS on your side, Crypto recovery is possible.

Daniel Morgan
Daniel Morgan

August 14, 2023

It was really a terrible experience actually when i found myself loosing all the money i had worked for years all in the name of Crypto currency investment i put the whole blame on myself maybe for being so selfish and careless I almost lost a huge invested funds to this online crypto currency investment platform, i only got paid once by this company at the beginning when i started the whole thing with $200 usd, i got paid with my income then i had to reinvest back in order to get more this time i invested with a huge amount of money but ever since when it got due for me to be paid the company automatically restricted me from withdrawing the money, i had to reach out to the costumer care for their assistance so i can get my funds but they kept asking for more fees, it was devastating and as i got more depressed then i was talking to a colleague at work who i told about everything i was going through to my surprised he had been in such situation before me and said he got everything back through a Recovery firm and them linked me up with The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. i contact them and they helped me recovered back my money, i got to text with them over on telegram directly @ ROOTKITS7 where we had all our conversation, they really did a great job for me i as well showed my appreciations because i almost lost everything, lest i forget here is their email contact ROOTKITS 4 @ gmail. com. I really do appreciate their good aid when i needed it the most.

Nancy Mark
Nancy Mark

August 14, 2023

A solid referral should accompany good work. Recognizing what I had been advised, I traded $10,000 with a certain broker in anticipation of making some extra money. I placed an abundance of faith in him that I even took out loans from my family, the bank, and close friends. Deal was too beneficial because I initially made money and felt more confident to make additional investments. All I can say is that everyone ought to employ prudence, and I don’t know where I would be now if Wizard Web Recovery hadn’t succeeded in helping me get out of indebtedness. Although I doubt I could adequately express how much you mean to me, I will continue to spread the word about your excellent job. 
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery is truly amazing.

Contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(At)
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326
Page Site:

Roselyn McMahon
Roselyn McMahon

August 13, 2023

The binary trade is a whole new world I know nothing about , am 42 year old woman with 3kids , I only know how to be a mother but I was a stay at home mother, I had no job cos my husband wouldn’t let me , he makes enough money to take care of us already so all I had to do was take care of the kids but it got tiring at some point , I only go out occasionally , I didn’t like that and I guess that’s what pushed me into the wrong hands on telegram who convinced me that it is possible to make money from the comfort of your homes and all I had to do was to invest with their Binary trading company and make profits daily , I mean it’s a fascinating idea but it was all fake .. I started having withdrawal issues 3months after with a total investment of $429k hanging there , I needed to get it out else my husband will kill me so I searched online hoping to find a solution and I found JETHACKS RECOVERY CENRE .. it is during the process of working with this guy that I got to understand the height of fraudulent activities carried out on the Binary Trading , this is very bad and my advice is Everyone out there should be very careful if you must invest in Binary online … I got to all of my funds to my bank account thanks to this guy , he traced the transaction and retrieved it all back after 2days .. you can as well reach out to him for help and say I referred you ..
Email : Jethacks7 @ Gmail. COM
Telegram @ Jethackss

Richard Bistrong
Richard Bistrong

August 13, 2023

My name is Richard Bistrong, a student of ****University here in the united State, i am a student of Medicine and Surgery, i was ill during my final year and i managed to sit for my exams, i didn’t want to postpone it so i have to sat for the exam, after my exam, my result was not looking good at all and that could ruin my medical career dream, i hard to try all possible means, why trying to read some online news i found and below it was written that they offer result upgrade service i reached out quickly to them and within 48 hours my school portal got updated and my result was among the first 5 best student result, this happened with the help of Mysterious Hack, you can also reach out to them on telegram : +15625539611

Spencer Minor
Spencer Minor

August 12, 2023

WHATSAP +18,2,86,3,08,40,4

Spencer Minor
Spencer Minor

August 12, 2023

WHATSAP +18,2,86,3,08,40,4

Spencer Minor
Spencer Minor

August 12, 2023

WHATSAP +18,2,86,3,08,40,4

Karen Thomas
Karen Thomas

August 12, 2023

I had to adopt the mindset that I would never be able to recover the bitcoins I used to pay the con artist. I decided to search Online to figure out if it was feasible to get my money back, and to my delight, I found testimonials from sufferers just like me from all over the world who said that 
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery successfully helped them in getting their misplaced or taken bitcoin again. Notwithstanding the fact that there are other recovery providers, I go with 
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery since it feels satisfactory. It took the expert a full day to get my bitcoin after I had contacted 
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery and reported my incident. I am content with my returns, despite the cost. You can immediately get in touch with 
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery if you want to reclaim your hard-earned life savings through them via:
Thanks.   contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(at)
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326

George Lewis
George Lewis

August 12, 2023

I like to express how grateful i am to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM an incredible and reliable team of hackers who helped recovered the $635k i lost to scammers in an online Binary Trading Company. I am married with 3 kids living comfortable with my family until when i came across a link to this trading platform, i read some good reviews about this platform online and i decided to invest with them, started with a small capital with the intention to grow it. i was speaking directly over WhatsApp with the Senior Account manager ( Oliver Gabriel ) all through who was helping me to build my portfolio, during those period i made some huge investment with them at the end when i got to found out it was all scam i requested to withdraw an amount but it was not going through, i reached out to Mr Gabriel over whatsapp who now demanded for couple fees to be paid before i could access and withdraw my funds, even after settling this fees i still couldn’t make a withdrawal not even a dollar. However, I discovered ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM through positive reviews read on this site and reached out to them immediately on R O O T K I T S 4 @ G. M A I L . C O M and they helped recovered my lost Funds just within 2 days of meeting them I can’t thank them enough but give them a review as a token of my sincere appreciation. I strongly recommend them to anyone with related issues. Here is there contact again for Telegram; ROOTKITS7. they are the best out there.

Catherine walker
Catherine walker

August 11, 2023

Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to for they just helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $367,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to have my money back from those fake online investments website .. you can also contact them via
You can also contact them for the service below
Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
Blank atm card
Bank Transfer
PayPal / Skrill Transfer
Crypto Mining
CashApp Transfer
Bitcoin Loans
Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

Catherine walker
Catherine walker

August 11, 2023

Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to for they just helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $367,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to have my money back from those fake online investments website .. you can also contact them via
You can also contact them for the service below
Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
Blank atm card
Bank Transfer
PayPal / Skrill Transfer
Crypto Mining
CashApp Transfer
Bitcoin Loans
Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

Matthew Alden
Matthew Alden

August 11, 2023

I’m a victim of the LIQULDOHN cryptocurrency investment scam, I was asked to deposit £700 which I did and it tripled to £2200 within 1 hour. That got my interest, The next deposit was £3,500 and my profit shot up to £18,200. I was amazed at how little money can make you crazy profits. I invested more and more. When I tried to cash out, I was asked to pay taxes and other complicated fees. My profits had accumulated to £531,000 as it would show on the trading website but I could not access it. By the time it got to me that the company is illegitimate, l had already lost a total of £190,000. I decided to do proper research about the company to ease my fears that I might have been conned and that’s when I found out that they have been stealing from harmless Americans and individuals around the globe. While reading more about the company in pain, I stumbled upon a United States veteran article on how this same fake crypto investment website took his money but was able to recover it back from them with the help of an Ethical hacker. I inquired more about this Ethical hacker and that’s when I was introduced to CYBER GENIE HACK-PRO. I am writing this positive review to affirm that, Recovering stolen Bitcoin from scammers is real and can be achieved when done by the right expert. If by any means you are a victim of a Crypto Investment scam and wish to get your funds and profits back, I highly recommend (Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices(.)Com) OR (Whats-App (+1252) 5120391), you know why, I am living testimony of their greatness.   


August 11, 2023

In the beginning of this year, I unintentionally fell for a cryptocurrency scam as a consequence of a fraudster who assured me of my ability to make a significant profit. He professed to have helped people invest and make sizable gains, which I had no idea he was doing as an unregistered cryptocurrency dealer. They took $150,000 worth of cryptocurrency from me and fled with it. The fact that this is the money I have worked so hard to get left me in shock and anguish. As a result of perusing favorable feedback and internet endorsements, I became aware that Craker cyberdude, a group of licensed hackers, is a pioneer in cryptocurrency recovery. They were able to retrieve my monies once I got in touch with them right away. This is the finest thing I can do to convey to them my feelings of gratitude. Through their email address, you can reach them at:
Email:Craker at


August 11, 2023

In the beginning of this year, I unintentionally fell for a cryptocurrency scam as a consequence of a fraudster who assured me of my ability to make a significant profit. He professed to have helped people invest and make sizable gains, which I had no idea he was doing as an unregistered cryptocurrency dealer. They took $150,000 worth of cryptocurrency from me and fled with it. The fact that this is the money I have worked so hard to get left me in shock and anguish. As a result of perusing favorable feedback and internet endorsements, I became aware that Craker cyberdude, a group of licensed hackers, is a pioneer in cryptocurrency recovery. They were able to retrieve my monies once I got in touch with them right away. This is the finest thing I can do to convey to them my feelings of gratitude. Through their email address, you can reach them at:
Email:Craker at

Jez Kinsella
Jez Kinsella

August 10, 2023

I have heard a lot about the Cryptocurrency investment and one day decided to try it out through a lady i was friend with on the facebook.. the beginning seems very interesting and everything was moving fine after i had my first payout, i reinvested more funds to the company she got me introduced to in order to gain more profits and after some while when i was meant to either take my returns or still go ahead with my investment, but due to my illness i requested for a withdrawal but noticed i wasn’t able to do that, i quickly reach out to the support for some assistance but sadly it was more disappointing, what made everything so complicated was my poor health conditions as i needed the funds urgently. i tried my best to get this resolved even contact the Lady on facebook who referred mr to this mess but she turned out to be in the same table with the scammers, i then came up with the thought of getting a hacker as i was going through my computer i read a story relating to mine and how a hacker was to help in recovering back the lost funds. i contacted them through their email contact; ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL .COM and i had to explained the whole situation to him and he then moved on with the process of recovery, i did got my funds back after he was done and I’m so happy because i was able to payoff the hospital bill as well, if anyone out there looking for a help to recover his funds back then ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM is the right team to do the task, you can also get to them through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

Amanda Allen
Amanda Allen

August 10, 2023

For the purpose of acknowledging this exceptional recovery coder for all that they did for me during one of the most trying and traumatic times of my life, I’m writing the following assessment. Proficiency and knowledge from Coder Cyber Services came at a time when I was questioning my own arrogance for handing over a significant sum of money to a bitcoin trader who had no other business but plundering. I was skeptical regarding the likelihood of getting my money back but my hope was revived by the incontrovertible evidence they gave me. My subsequent choices were ones in which I have no doubt. Recovering all of the money I had sent took some time, but it was successful with the help of the Coder Cyber team.Coder Cyber Service’s concern came at a moment when it seemed like my entire life was collapsing around me. I heartily endorse their services, and you’ll be glad you did too. Contact details:
Email: codercyberservices(at)
Whatsapp: +1 403 407 3407

Grace Katsiaris
Grace Katsiaris

August 10, 2023

Hello everyone here, about 4-5 months ago I was suicidal as I had lost all my savings to a bitcoin investment sc^m I saw its ad on Facebook. I could not forgive myself and almost took my own life when my sister found out she then introduced me to a hacker that they went to college together name ‘REFUND POLICY’ whom she said could help me recover the money I had sent to the sc^mmers. I was hesitant at first because I never believed it was possible. It only took 48hours or less for my lost funds to be fully recovered.

I am so glad and grateful that these people didn’t get away with my funds. Thanks to ‘REFUND POLICY.’. This is why I am putting this out here incase any one has ever made such mistake, it is not too late at all, you can still recover your money. They can also help you investigate your cheating partner and many more hacking services. This is their e mail : refundpolicy82 @ and WhatsApp: +1 626 770 5974. They are tested and trusted.

Yasser Mohammed
Yasser Mohammed

August 10, 2023

I strongly recommend the service of Lord Hacker Ultimate, a hacking/recovery agency to you and their contacts, I have used them quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. They does all types of Hacking/Recovery, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whtsapp, Instagram, Text messages, Snapchat, Hang out, Twitter, Hangout, Lost Funds/BTC recovery, Bank accounts loading/hacking, Credit cards top up, office files, Boost credit scores to 750 plus with all credit bureaus etc. Contact this Great Hacking/Recovery agency on Lord Hacker Ultimate hacking agency (L.H.ULTIMATE @ FASTSERVICE.COM, or Website: lordhackerultimate.wixsite. com/lordhackerultimate. Their YouTube Page @ lordhackerultimate)

Debra Richard
Debra Richard

August 09, 2023

Since Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery service to recipients is to recover stolen bitcoin, I selected an option to try out their product or service.
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery is a company I can recommend because I recruited them after I lost a sizable sum of money in a shady online bitcoin venture. To Be quite honest, I was uneasy about working with
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, however much to my amazement, they were successful in recovering my lost money. All I have done up to this point is appreciate their compassion, thus I made the decision to share the knowledge with the world about how well  Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery provides its services. For proper info contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery(at)
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326

Eric Matias
Eric Matias

August 09, 2023

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I’m Eric Matias from Atlanta Georgia, i was scammed of $1,233,000 USD early 2023, month of February, i managed to get a recovery hacker hired for my scammed funds recovery and it didn’t happen, i got discourage after two attempt of no succes, i was going through an article on reddit when i came across and i felt something different about them and decided contact them and i got referred to WhatsApp +1/ (6262) .64? 5164 and I sent them the information regarding the scam incident and got my funds recovered and sent to my wallet address. please i advise you all who need a recovery help to contact them.

Harry Garnet
Harry Garnet

August 08, 2023

I’m truly grateful to SpyWeb Cyber Services for helping me recover my cryptocurrency funds from my locked account.
It’s truly amazing how quickly I was able to get back my funds once I contacted SpyWeb cyber support team.
I had lost all my retirement savings to a cryptocurrency investment scam, hoping I will get double what I invested into it. I was contacted to pay more and more money which was absurd considering that I’d put $309,000 into this platform, luckily for me, I found out this was a scam and contacted the authorities. Although the authorities were not able to recover my funds, I was referred to Spyweb cyber service by my old friend who has benefited from their services in the past. I’m just really happy Spyweb Cyber Service was able to recover my funds. Their service is top-notch.

WHATSAPP VIA @+12137236292

Luke Johnson
Luke Johnson

August 08, 2023

I found a lot of positive reviews and testimonies about The Wizard Larry when searching for assistance after losing $114,000 USD in cryptocurrency to an unregulated trading platform (89 percent. com). He responded to my direct message with a request for more details, to which I also responded. Out of $114,000 USD worth of Bitcoin, he was able to collect $97,120 USD after working with me for five hours, and because it took me three weeks to track down the Wizard Larry. I’m still ecstatic even if he only retrieved 90% of my bitcoin because I didn’t believe it was feasible. Because of Larry… Contact Larry as soon as you can if any of your cryptocurrencies have been taken.
by emailing
at (wizardlarry@mail. com).
WhatsApp +1 (205) 319-6886
The address of the website is

Matteo Schmid
Matteo Schmid

August 08, 2023

I’m composing this article to recognize my fantastic encounter on getting my burgled bitcoin back and to praise Coder Cyber Services for all of their intervention. Soon  after I lost my $20,000 worth of bitcoin to internet crooks, my life changed drastically, nothing made sense to me anymore at that point. Even though I felt impoverished, I made the conscious choice to look for expert help through extensive study, and that is how I came across Coder Cyber Services.The dependability of Coder Cyber Services in recovering bitcoin is well established. The circumstances surrounding my case were observed by the genuine pros of the Coder Cyber Services team and numerous hours of diligent work, they successfully recovered my bitcoin intact. I appreciate Coder Cyber Service’s hard work and trust.Anyone can visit their page: or
Email: codercyberservices(at)

Thank you


August 08, 2023


I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via ( or WhatsApp (+13465609044)


August 08, 2023


I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via ( or WhatsApp (+13465609044)

Bao Chen
Bao Chen

August 07, 2023

They are a sophisticated, unfettered set of hackers who have been on duty and delivered to expectations throughout the years in a serum fashion. Their services are safe and are secured with total transparency and guarantee, being the set of legendary hackers magicians who applaud human commiseration to the maximum, I am a testimony of their competence, contact this group of hackers, at (LORD HACKER ULTIMATE) Hacking/Recovery Agency, They have ended several decades in the hacking sphere as a legend in all hacking fields and they are still the most trusted and trusted hacking expert, please contact them via: email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM WhatsApp: +19095063423 or Website: Their YouTube Page @lordhackerultimate

Dutton Michael
Dutton Michael

August 07, 2023

After recognizing that an outflow of $300,000 worth of Bitcoin had occurred without my approval from my wallet, I understood that my wallet had been hijacked. I was very interested in discovering what had happened and getting my Bitcoin back at any length it will take. The 12-word seed phrase data that came from the wallet was stolen after they gained access to my email, but I still don’t know how it all transpired in such a hurry because all I did was click a link from a purchase order confirmation. To obtain some guidance on how I can get my stolen Bitcoin back, I promptly contacted a coworker who is knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies. With luck on my side, he was able to give me the contact to Cyber Genie which is: ( Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices. com )( +) (1 2)(52)(51)(20)(391). I couldn’t regain my crypto till I contacted Cyber Genie. After I explained everything to Cyber Genie, they were able to recover my crypto. At first, I didn’t believe this was even feasible or achievable because most of the articles I read while surfing the net for help on how to recover stolen Bitcoin mostly say that Bitcoin cannot be traced or recovered, but Cyber Genie Int’l saved a poor widow. Nothing in the realm of hacking, in my opinion, is tough for Cyber Genie..

Dutton Michael.

Dutton Michael
Dutton Michael

August 07, 2023

After recognizing that an outflow of $300,000 worth of Bitcoin had occurred without my approval from my wallet, I understood that my wallet had been hijacked. I was very interested in discovering what had happened and getting my Bitcoin back at any length it will take. The 12-word seed phrase data that came from the wallet was stolen after they gained access to my email, but I still don’t know how it all transpired in such a hurry because all I did was click a link from a purchase order confirmation. To obtain some guidance on how I can get my stolen Bitcoin back, I promptly contacted a coworker who is knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies. With luck on my side, he was able to give me the contact to Cyber Genie which is: ( Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices. com )( +) (1 2)(52)(51)(20)(391). I couldn’t regain my crypto till I contacted Cyber Genie. After I explained everything to Cyber Genie, they were able to recover my crypto. At first, I didn’t believe this was even feasible or achievable because most of the articles I read while surfing the net for help on how to recover stolen Bitcoin mostly say that Bitcoin cannot be traced or recovered, but Cyber Genie Int’l saved a poor widow. Nothing in the realm of hacking, in my opinion, is tough for Cyber Genie..

Dutton Michael.

Joseph Christopher
Joseph Christopher

August 07, 2023

I’m here to confirm the efficacy of the job done by Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, a reputable hacking organization. I was defrauded by thieves, who left me with inadequate funds, and Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery supported me to get my lost finances recovered. I was struggling to settle my bills during the entire ordeal, but another acquaintance of mine came to my rescue by giving me the phone number for
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, which has been extremely beneficial to me. Contact
Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery via: if you believe you were a victim of an online cryptocurrency ruse, and they are committed to helping you get your money back. With the aid of their modern equipment, this well-known hacking group was able to retrieve misplaced funds.

Thanks. prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) & WhatsApp: +1 (859) 443‑5876

Jennifer Greenland
Jennifer Greenland

August 07, 2023

I’m very excited to speak about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related issues.


Phone: +1 (740) 688-0116

Bobby Sheena
Bobby Sheena

August 06, 2023

I want to take this opportunity to demonstrate my formal admiration to Wizard Web Recovery, a reputable bitcoin recovery cyber investigator, for their support with assisting me recover the money I lost to deception. My husband and I were victimized by an online trick artist who described themselves as an expert and accomplished trader in cryptocurrency. My $350,000 was invested in cryptocurrencies. I got to dedicate hours hunting for a cryptocurrency recovery solution after the scam left me defenseless and conned us. I discovered Wizard web recovery to be the expert. After explaining my predicament to these experts, I just had to wait, and all of my money was returned to my wallet in less than 72 hours. I want to thank Wizard Web Recovery for their fantastic help in obtaining my money back. If you have sent your cryptocurrency to the incorrect wallet or have misplaced it, you should contact Wizard Web Recovery right away for a speedy return of your assets.

wizardwebrecovery(@) / WhatsApp +1 (480) 535-9566


Aaron Olsen
Aaron Olsen

August 06, 2023

I will always be appreciative to Software Specialist for his assistance in helping me retrieve my lost funds. Thanks to Software Specialist, I was able to recover from being depressed and embarrassed after having lost all of my financial assets, which were worth $700,000, robbed from me. He is a crypto recovery expert and one of the best Professionals that I have come across. You can contact Software Specialist because he is reputable and very reliable, if you have been a victim of scam involving cryptocurrency, Software Specialist is the best guy to approach and you can reach him through: WhatsApp: +1 (646) 509-9630 or email address: Thank you so much Software Specialist.


August 05, 2023

Have you ever needed an expert when it comes to hacking? Have you ever wanted to hack someone’s email account? Recover lost accounts, school grade ,boost credit score? Do you need to find a person’s sensitive information? Do you want to invade a person’s PayPal, Skrill, Amazon, Facebook or any other site account? Upgrade of University Grades, Password and email Retrieval, phone Lines monitoring, Skype Accounts, Hack Social Network, Trace calls on real time conversations, Remove Criminal Records, ,Credit Fixing, cyber-crime investigation, Hack Bank Accounts, Identification of Cheating Partner or employee, Then contact ALPHA KEY .contact
Whatsapp :+12179740043
Website : won’t under any circumstances work for free.

Lucinda Margatto
Lucinda Margatto

August 05, 2023

I once received a BTC security code on my phone which ignored and later found out that my BTC wallet and all the Funds i have on it was Hacked by unknown scammer, it was a frustrating period for me because i couldn’t have access to my Funds nor my BTC Wallet but i heard from a friend about the Lord Hacker Ultimate and their good work on recovery of lost funds/hacking services, i contacted them via their email for consultation and followed all the instructions they gave to me with 4, i got my wallet and BTC back and was able to manage it by myself once again. All thanks to Lord Hacker Ultimate i got my BTC and wallet back i would urge each one of you to seek credible and ethical Hacking services from Lord Hacker Ultimate, hacking agency through their email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +19095063423, Website: Their Youtube Page @lordhackerultimate

Maureen Gilbert
Maureen Gilbert

August 05, 2023

My name is Maureen, and this is what I recommend.
I’ve been looking for a good hacker for more than two years. Recently, I was browsing some websites when I came across WIZARD LARRY HACKER. He came highly recommended on the website, so I decided to give him a try, and he completed every task I gave him in less than 24 hours. He also assists with Binary Recovery, Files Recovery, Crypto investment, Password Bypass / Recovery, Malware Removal / Criminal Record Expunge, Blank ATM Card, Social Media Hack, You can get in touch with him if you need the assistance of a competent hacker because he is really good and trustworthy.

(wizardlarry@mail. com).
WhatsApp +1 (205) 319-6886
The address of the website is


August 04, 2023

This is Sir Peter Bratland, I’m from Alberta, Canada. 58 years old farmer, I was in need of financial help to pay my workers and also for my farm maintenance, due to the capacity of my farm i needed a sum of $550k so i decide to invest on an exchange platform whereby my capital can earn enough to settle my farm needs never did i know it was all a scam, after investing the sum of $50k, i ended up losing $182,000.00 USD to scammers, I was very down and couldn’t think of anything right again, how to survive became a great challenge that i nearly committed sucide,. Couple of weeks after I got scammed I was directed to swiftrecovery001 who in their good heart carried out a recovery of a crypto scam to my wallet address successfully. All thanks to swiftrecovery001, Do hire them, contact them on email.


August 04, 2023

Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out and share my personal story of recovering lost Bitcoin. I’ll admit, losing Bitcoin can be a heartbreaking experience. I know that feeling all too well. But let me tell you, there is hope. I discovered a powerful ally in the world of Bitcoin recovery – Swift Recovery. When I found myself in the unfortunate situation of losing my Bitcoin, I was devastated. It seemed like all was lost. But then, I came across Swift Recovery, and they became my beacon of hope. What sets them apart is their exceptional expertise and unwavering commitment to helping people like you and me. Their team is composed of seasoned professionals who understand the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency world. With their extensive knowledge and cutting-edge techniques, they work tirelessly to recover lost or stolen Bitcoin. I was incredibly impressed with the level of personalized attention and care I received during the recovery process. They were with me every step of the way, providing updates, answering my questions, and ensuring that I felt supported throughout the entire journey. Their communication was prompt, clear, and professional. Their track record speaks for itself. They have successfully helped countless individuals, just like us, recover their lost Bitcoin. Their dedication and determination are truly commendable. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing Bitcoin, I highly recommend reaching out to Swift Recovery. They have the skills, experience, and resources to assist you in recovering what’s rightfully yours. Don’t lose hope. Take action and let them guide you through the process of reclaiming your lost Bitcoin. They are a trusted ally in the realm of Bitcoin recovery and have proven themselves time and time again. You can get in touch with them at ( Trust me, they’ll be there to support you and bring back your lost Bitcoin. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With Swift Recovery by your side, you can reclaim what was once lost. Stay positive and keep pushing forward. You’ve got this!


August 04, 2023

I Got My Scammed Bitcoin Back with the help of ALPHA KEY , Did you also lose your Bitcoin to a fake online investment like I once did or sent your Btc to a wrong wallet? Quickly get in touch with ALPHA KEY if you want to recover your funds or get some legal counsel on how to go about it. I lost close to 7.97BTC to an online ponzi Scheme. I was promised to get 25% of my investment every month, and I fell for it. That’s how I got stocked . After a long search for how to recover it, I came across an article post about ALPHA KEY. I immediately reached out to the Recovery Expert and I trusted their services enough because his reviews were from our local news site . And within 48hours of contacting ALPHA KEY, I got all my funds back with an ROI. It was unbelievable. I must state, I had to send out my review also. The Expert is indeed recommendable. Get to consult this certified Crypto Expert ALPHA KEY through
Whatsapp : +12179740043

Simon Beddoes
Simon Beddoes

August 04, 2023

My wife and I already have a career but before our baby was born, having an extra income for our growing family won’t be bad, that’s what my wife and I had thought. We both decided to invest in cryptocurrency mining and forex trading. I invested part of my savings and my wife did the same. Unfortunately, it was an organized fraudulent website, and my wife and I are now on the verge of losing 600,00.00 Canadian Dollars of our savings. It took us by surprise because a family friend did suggest that platform we had invested in when we were conversing on Instagram. After many queries, we found out that our friend’s IG account was hacked from Senegal and all the money I thought we had been investing was actually being sent to a scammer in Africa. I found out about all of these with the help of a legit and reliable Ethical hacker on the internet I found. Cyber Genie Recovery Hackers can help you track and recoup lost funds from scammers so long as you provide them with valid proof you really did lose your funds to scammers. We really didn’t hire them to recover our lost funds at first, we only hired them for a background check about the investment company because they had asked us for the last payment of 120,000 Canadian Dollars for us to get a withdrawal permit for our investment with them and we just wanted to be sure before sending it to them. We were really lucky to have contacted them ( Cybergenie(@)cyberservices(.) com # WhatsApp (+1) (252)(512)(0391) because we would have lost more money. Everything was a success at the end of it because we were able to get back all the money we had invested, recovered, and refunded. This testimony might just be another article to you on the internet but to me and my wife, it was the most challenging moment of our life and I am glad that my pregnant wife didn’t lose our baby because we were both emotionally deteriorated at that moment. My family will live to forever testify to the greatness of this Ethical hacker.

Brian Ronald
Brian Ronald

August 04, 2023

Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery solution is the best technical assistance available to assist you in recovering your misplaced cryptocurrencies while overseeing your binary trading approach. It’s conceivable that you’ve previously been conned by an enticement or a cryptocurrency dealer without a license. Those who fall prey to such techniques occasionally misjudge their likelihood of getting assistance in recovering the stolen money. The truth is that consumers who were conned into falling for the Bitcoin swindle may be able to get their money back using the service of Wizard web recovery. A hacker group entitled Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery supported me to recover lost bitcoins totaling $134,000 when I came into a problem identical to this one thanks to an anonymous complaint. When it comes to retrieving cryptocurrency, they are the genuine stuff. You may get in touch with them by: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) & WhatsApp: +1 (859) 443‑5876

Jimmy George
Jimmy George

August 04, 2023

Hello everyone
I put a lot of money into trying to trade BTC for profit, but I lost it all to a scam business. A recovery commando has now returned all of my investment money to me. They assisted me in getting my stolen funds back from the defrauding company, and I now work with them on a sound BTC investing strategy. I kindly request that you get immediate communication with them so that you can recover the money that has been stolen from you.

Wizard Larry’s email address is (
WhatsApp +1 (205) 319-6886
The website’s URL is

Jude Ryan
Jude Ryan

August 04, 2023

I almost lost over $320k worth of Bitcoin in an investment trading company where i had invested with the purpose to make more profits, but as things went on just within the space of a month and 2weeks i had invested all i had together with my savings before i got to realize it was a scam company, they refused me to make my withdrawal successful when it was due. i had to lookout for way to get my funds back from this experience i found that is not that easy to get back a scammed funds because these scammers are very smart and they will cover their tracks but if you manage to find a trustworthy and reliable Recovery company, I said trustworthy and reliable because many scammers are out there disguising as Recovery agents and will only take your money without recovering all your funds back. I was a victim of such myself after loosing all my funds to the investment scam I sort for help and I met a few recovery agents and was scammed by a particular one again. Before i was Luckily referred to a Recovery Firm called ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. They where the right team that recovered my stolen bitcoin. You can send a mail to ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL. COM or via Telegram- ROOTKITS7 for your funds recovery should incase you need a help to get your lost investment back.


August 03, 2023

ALPHA KEY RECOVERY is the best recovery expert try them and thank me later
Whats app : +12179740043
website :

Linda Lee
Linda Lee

August 03, 2023

‘’I need back my money’’.. ‘’ I need my family back’’ that was the only thoughts I had for months and thanks to Albert Gonzalez Wizard , I got back my family and my money .. I was depressed for months as my husband and 5year old left me to go live with his mum cos I used all our savings to invest in crypto investment company, took a loan and sold my car too in a bid to pay the withdrawal fees I was desperate very desperate and I nearly lost everything but thanks to Albert Gonzalez Wizard , he recovered my £861k from those heartless scammers .. it’s a long story but at the end I was happy , I am forever grateful to him.. This has made me to cross paths with him through a review on here and am writing this review here in hope that it will help someone out there , if you’ve been in a similar situation please reach out to Albert Gonzalez Wizard, he is a very competent and reliable hacker . The contact details are as follow , email: or / WhatsApp: 31616251474 Or Whatassp: +31616644373 Telegram:  31685248506

Asher Hannah
Asher Hannah

August 03, 2023

Good day everyone, I’m Asher Hannah from Jurong East, Singapore, my husband and I own a Furniture business, about two months ago we invested some part of our money into a cryptocurrency investment platform and made a total of $678,000 payment through bitcoins to this cryptocurrency platform not aware that it was all a scam, they kept asking us to make more payments into their platform and that was when we realized we have lost our investment. It was such a difficult time for us but while I was surfing the internet, I saw someone share a post about Mr. Albert Gonzalez Wizard, a reputable company that recovers stolen and lost funds, I didn’t hesitate to contact them and after providing all the information they needed to work with Mr. Albert Gonzalez was able to recover our money in 6 hours. We were shocked that such a thing could be possible but we are super excited we were able to recover our money all thanks to him and his team. We are recommending them to everyone out there who have been defrauded too by these fake cryptocurrency investment platform. You can reach out to them with the information below: Email: or / WhatsApp: 31616251474 Or Whatassp: +31616644373 Telegram:  31685248506

Luke Combs
Luke Combs

August 03, 2023

hello everyone I’m cliff by name ….What a great success working with the best hacking team out there to recover my lost investment in Bitcoin , earlier last month I was involved with this online investment scheme that a friend introduced me to , but little did we know that the company was all a scam and never really existed though they were offering a huge returns on profits and that triggered my interest the more , the first few weeks was cool and I got paid out a couple of times , then all of a sudden I couldn’t withdraw my funds again and this time I am heavily invested in the company , I tried everything I could but all was to no avail and that’s when I knew I needed an extra help here , made a couple of research on how to recover my funds back and I ended up working with “ Whatsapp number ((+4915214137658)) dot com “ this team were just very good at what they are doing .. with their help I was able to get back all of my initial investment and profits also . They are the best team that someone who is in same condition that I was needs right now and make sure you do just that either through their official email….

Edward Bolton
Edward Bolton

August 02, 2023

I wish every business operated with transparency, integrity and trust like Spyhost Cyber Service as to me, that is the greatest dignity to humanity. I got to work with them when I lost $388k of my savings to a bogus broker. It was really hectic trying to retrieve my account and I was very skeptical about trusting anyone again. Though reluctant but i gave Spyhost Cyber Service a chance after reading recommendations online and they really showed their dignity through all forms of transparency and i will also want to thank them for their great hacking prowess. They made use of modern blockchain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who ripped me
through my email and am so grateful for trusting them for they did an astounding job and they are more than capable of solving many common problems concerning
different coins and recovering passwords. Don’t waste your time with unprofessional hackers and reach SpyHost Cyber Service via:

EMAIL: Spyhost@cyberdude. com

Hi, Charles!
Hi, Charles!

August 01, 2023

Over $180,000 of my money disappeared from me. I communicated to this man for a year and a half. I sent him money using my bank account and bitcoin. If not for Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. quick response, who in one go recovered my $180,000. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery excels at what they do. I have given them to colleagues and close friends who have all turned out to be pleased clients. You can get in touch with them to get your stolen bitcoin back. There is no embarrassment in falling prey to one of these smart and predatory enterprises, so I am thrilled and happy to have my money back.
You might be able to receive back some or all of your money by filing a report, which will also stop the fraudsters from preying on other people. Contact this brilliant recovery support via: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) & WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326 to recover your stolen bitcoin funds.

Castro Mateo Antonio
Castro Mateo Antonio

August 01, 2023

My name is Castro, an expatriate living in Maryland, USA. Am so overwhelmed with gratitude to let the world know how CYBER GENIE. A great cryptocurrency recovery expert who changed my life for good. It all started when I lost my job and I was down financially. Investing in cryptocurrencies is a good idea, but when I first started, I made a mistake and invested in the wrong company, which took over $179,000 from me. It was a terrible time, and I was in need of help recovering my crypto funds as I wasn’t even able to provide for my two kids because I had invested wrongfully and had no job or any more savings. I saw a series of testimonies by people on how they were assisted by Cyber Genie. I honestly didn’t believe it, but after noticing that these testimonials are from different parts of the world, and being poor with lots of debts and a family to care for, I had no choice but to give them a shot. I consulted them for assistance, they ruled out their working terms, and we agreed and they commenced working. Please get in touch with this crypto recovery expert if you had invested wrongfully with a fake crypto broker or investment website. I am writing this testimony to express my utmost gratitude and satisfaction with the exceptional services provided by Cyber Genie Recovery Expert. Their expertise and dedication resulted in me recovering my investment and profits at the same time after months of pleading with the cocky broker to let me have access to all I had sent. Their info are: [ CyberGenie(@)CyberServices.C OM ][ Whatsapp, + -1 -2-5’2’5-1-2-0’3-9’1 ]

Castro Mateo Antonio
Castro Mateo Antonio

August 01, 2023

My name is Castro, an expatriate living in Maryland, USA. Am so overwhelmed with gratitude to let the world know how CYBER GENIE. A great cryptocurrency recovery expert who changed my life for good. It all started when I lost my job and I was down financially. Investing in cryptocurrencies is a good idea, but when I first started, I made a mistake and invested in the wrong company, which took over $179,000 from me. It was a terrible time, and I was in need of help recovering my crypto funds as I wasn’t even able to provide for my two kids because I had invested wrongfully and had no job or any more savings. I saw a series of testimonies by people on how they were assisted by Cyber Genie. I honestly didn’t believe it, but after noticing that these testimonials are from different parts of the world, and being poor with lots of debts and a family to care for, I had no choice but to give them a shot. I consulted them for assistance, they ruled out their working terms, and we agreed and they commenced working. Please get in touch with this crypto recovery expert if you had invested wrongfully with a fake crypto broker or investment website. I am writing this testimony to express my utmost gratitude and satisfaction with the exceptional services provided by Cyber Genie Recovery Expert. Their expertise and dedication resulted in me recovering my investment and profits at the same time after months of pleading with the cocky broker to let me have access to all I had sent. Their info are: [ CyberGenie(@)CyberServices.C OM ][ Whatsapp, + -1 -2-5’2’5-1-2-0’3-9’1 ]

Mark Donald
Mark Donald

July 31, 2023

According to my experience, doing a highly in-depth inquiry into the topic is probably the greatest method to avoid internet scam. I probably wouldn’t have gone through the agony I did a few months ago if I had followed this advice. Binary options, which nearly destroyed me, are a blessing to some people and a curse to others. Fortunately, I made contact with Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. a licensed recovery specialist who assisted in the refund of my lost money. I can’t speak for any other recovery professionals, but I can clap my hands together in praise of Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. since they saved my life. For additional help with:, get in touch with their support team. Come back later to express your gratitude. prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) & WhatsApp: +1 (361) 418‑1326


July 31, 2023

I had some crypto on a Bitcoin wallet that I thought was lost for good. I’d sent my laptop to a variety of top data recovery firms, but with no luck. After seeing a positive comment about ALPHA KEY on “Morning Brew”, I decided to try to recover my wallet one last time. ALPHA KEY was very responsive to emails, and recovered my wallet in just a few days. I was nervous about providing my wallet seed and passphrase, but there really was no need to be uneasy. ALPHA KEY acted honorably and in accordance with our agreement. I would highly recommend using ALPHA KEY services, even if you have nearly given up hope of recovering your wallet. Contact them on (
WhatsApp :(+12179740043)
They are Tested and trusted.

Alexei Lagunov
Alexei Lagunov

July 31, 2023

THE brutal acts perpetrated by these fraudulent organizations has made many people lose so much they can never recover , RIP to you my dear friend ____ you really did try your best but life happens and am going to do everything in my power to see that this individuals responsible for your death are brought to justice… at the moment the tracking process is in process after recovering my funds through the services of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. I reached out to JETHACKS and got my funds recovered back to me within 3 days of working with them … It was retrieved to my binance wallet straight and all I had to do was drop my wallet address and all to my greatest surprise, I was driving and I got the deposit notification from Binance … it is really satisfying to have someone say something and actually get it done , JETHACKS assured me the full recovery of my funds and that’s exactly what they did. I highly recommend the services of JETHACKS to anyone that’s reading this , you can make contact on either Telegram : Jethackss
Or Email : Jethacks7@Gmail . COM

Blaire Willows
Blaire Willows

July 30, 2023

Losing money can be terrible. It can constantly cause despair and misery,which is precisely what occurred to me,to say the least. Everything seemed authentic until I realized I had been duped after investing $150,000 in cryptocurrency in an online investment racket.After some time I came across an article about Coder Cyber Services and how they assist victims of fraud in recovering their lost funds, I had been depressed for days. I was hesitant at first but then decided to give them a try. After several procedures I was able to get my money back within a couple of days. Please be cautious and take care to understand the investments you are making. Anyone else who is a victim can contact Coder Cyber Services by using the following information:
Whatsapp: +1 403 407 3407

Corneille Brigitte
Corneille Brigitte

July 30, 2023

I would strongly suggest you avoid any of these brokers or account managers. Before confirming and executing my withdrawal request, they demanded more money from me after taking over $800,000 worth of Bitcoin. I eventually lost everything I had put into it. Every attempt to contact the customer service team had been refused. For me, moving on was terrible and very tough. Thank goodness I heard a show that described how scam victims might employ Wizard web recovery to recoup their losses. I quickly got a response after calling the information supplied for assistance, and I was asked to provide all relevant legal details surrounding my investment. To my complete surprise, I successfully got my money back after quickly following their recommendations. I vowed to share this information with the world in order to aid any scam victims in getting their money back. I would not keep it to myself. This is a major triumph over this online con artist. Wizard Web Recovery is to be commended for its superb work on this. Reach them today via wizardwebrecovery@programmer .net & visit their website to learn more about their services. (wizardwebrecovery . net)  & Signal +1 (480) 535-9566.

Corneille Brigitte
Corneille Brigitte

July 30, 2023

I would strongly suggest you avoid any of these brokers or account managers. Before confirming and executing my withdrawal request, they demanded more money from me after taking over $800,000 worth of Bitcoin. I eventually lost everything I had put into it. Every attempt to contact the customer service team had been refused. For me, moving on was terrible and very tough. Thank goodness I heard a show that described how scam victims might employ Wizard web recovery to recoup their losses. I quickly got a response after calling the information supplied for assistance, and I was asked to provide all relevant legal details surrounding my investment. To my complete surprise, I successfully got my money back after quickly following their recommendations. I vowed to share this information with the world in order to aid any scam victims in getting their money back. I would not keep it to myself. This is a major triumph over this online con artist. Wizard Web Recovery is to be commended for its superb work on this. Reach them today via wizardwebrecovery@programmer .net & visit their website to learn more about their services. (wizardwebrecovery . net)  & Signal +1 (480) 535-9566.

Wyatt Oldham
Wyatt Oldham

July 29, 2023

It’s still bizarre knowing that people don’t know they can get their money sent to scammers back, or recover their lost crypto wallet or phrase key and lots more. I used to think otherwise also but everything is attainable when you are dealing with pros and reliable digital asset recovery hackers and programmers. Have you ever lost money to scammers via crypto fake currency investments websites, online romance scams, phishing, loan scam, lottery scam, or whatever? don’t panic, I bring good news to you all, CYBER GENIE HACK INT’L are out there helping people regain their lives and businesses back by recovering funds they had sent or lost to scammers no matter how long it must have been. I only came to realize you can recover money from scammers after I had sent some crypto scammer $410.000.00 to assist me to invest. When I couldn’t get through to him anymore, I hired Cyber Genie guys, and they got my funds back. I am happy I had an encounter with these internet pros. Do you want to reach them, use their info attached here…
w/a: +1 (252) 512-0391…

Bailey Lewis
Bailey Lewis

July 29, 2023

With the help of some enlightening ones here, I made the right decision after going through the reviews carefully. I was tricked by a website. I lost a total of $120,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of excuses requesting I pay more funds in order to have funds withdrawn. They tricked me into investing my money in their company with a promise that I will make a lot of money, which was really devastating for me. They asked for more fees to be paid after seizing all my funds. I was able to get my money back with the help of DARKRECOVERYHACKS RECOVERYFIRM. Some people had help getting their funds back from fraudulent companies after reading some good reviews. I contacted them immediately for their service. After I gave them the required information, they proceeded with the recovery and I got my money back. I am very grateful for the services this team offers because I know a lot of people need help. Contact him via DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL. COM or Telegram @DARKRECOVERYHACKS . I like its top tier service.


July 29, 2023

We would like to show our gratitude to Craker cyberdude recovery for their aid after seeking assistance from a knowledgeable person to help us recover our bitcoin from a shady investment organization. Their position necessitates knowledge of dealing with scams and competence in bitcoin recovery. The three primary responsibilities are locating the phony investment firm, tracking the bitcoin transactions, and recouping the lost money. The track record of successful bitcoin recovery cases held by Craker cyberdude recovery is crucial. For this position, good analytical abilities and attention to detail are required. If you need any kind of help retrieving anything you lost online, I strongly advise you to use Craker cyberdude Recovery’s services. The contact details can be found below.

Serge Mulphy
Serge Mulphy

July 28, 2023

BITCOIN, BINARY OPTION: Please everyone should be careful and stop being fooled by all these brokers and account managers, I was scammed over $893,000 of my investment capital by them, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk declined, I found it very hard to move on. Luckily I followed a broadcast online that leads me to a great Hacker (LORD HACKER ULTIMATE), I contacted their email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover back my money, including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back easily, if you have problems on any stuffed like a bank, company, examinations, database, Social media hacks, Email hacks, Phone hacks, Bitcoin hacks, increased Credit score boost to 800, School result upgrading, Binary option funds recovery Instagram, Bitcoin Mining, WhatsApp, Twitter, Monitor your colleague, access your spouse social media, and a lot more:you can contact them on : L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, Website: ( and Youtube Page: @lordhacker.ultimate

Marie Aurora
Marie Aurora

July 28, 2023


Recovering lost Bitcoin can require unique hacking skills and expertise that are possessed by only a Legitimate Expert CaptainWeb Genesis, an Expert in Crypto Assets Recovery. While there are many recovery websites out there, it’s important to be cautious as 99% of them are operated by scammers who try to appear legitimate. Therefore, it’s best to seek out a trusted Expert CaptainWeb Genesis who can help you recover your funds. This Expert was able to recover $55k worth of BTC that I had lost to a liquidity mining Website. To get in touch with CaptainWeb Genesis, you can contact the Expert via email or WhatsApp +1 (447) 442-0456.

Learn More;

Marie Aurora
Marie Aurora

July 28, 2023


Recovering lost Bitcoin can require unique hacking skills and expertise that are possessed by only a Legitimate Expert CaptainWeb Genesis, an Expert in Crypto Assets Recovery. While there are many recovery websites out there, it’s important to be cautious as 99% of them are operated by scammers who try to appear legitimate. Therefore, it’s best to seek out a trusted Expert CaptainWeb Genesis who can help you recover your funds. This Expert was able to recover $55k worth of BTC that I had lost to a liquidity mining Website. To get in touch with CaptainWeb Genesis, you can contact the Expert via email or WhatsApp +1 (447) 442-0456.

Learn More;

Kim Chu Wong
Kim Chu Wong

July 28, 2023

I was greatly convinced by a female lady on social media to invest in crypto, she directed me to a broker web where i signed up and make a deposit, i kept on adding to my capital, after my first attempt to withdraw $2k was successful not knowing it was programmed cause the lady advise me to withdraw 2k. by the time i realized i have been scammed the sum of $198,750 and this money was all i had and i have worked so hard to save this money, it was like the world has turned against me i tried recovery services and the first 3 set i hired tried scamming me until i came across a page by chance and decided to check on and then got them hired for the job, it took them 68 hours to get the job done. My best wishes to allen@
Maxwell Afred
Maxwell Afred

July 28, 2023

I am glad to go through the reviews carefully and with the help of some enlightening ones here I made the right decision. I was scammed by a Binary online website last 2 month. I lost a total of $135,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of excuses requesting i pay more funds in order to have funds withdrawn. It was really devastating time for me because that was all I had and they deceit me into investing the money in their company with some guarantee that I will make much profit from the investment. They seized all my funds and kept on requesting for more fees to be paid. I finally was able to recover all the money I lost just last month with the help of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. after i read some good reviews here from people they had help retrieve back their funds from fraudulent crypto investment companies. I quickly contacted them for their service and they responded. after i had them provided with the required informations, they proceeded with the recovery and after some while i got back all funds back to my wallet. I am really grateful to this Team especially for the services they offer because i know a lot of people here have been scammed and need help. Contact him via ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM or Telegram @ROOTKITS7 for their swift delivery and good communications skill. It’s top tier service for me. I recommend.

Brandon Christopher
Brandon Christopher

July 28, 2023

Family truly holds immense importance in our lives. In 2022, I found myself in a difficult situation where I lost all my savings to crypto scammers. Additionally, I had taken out loans with a short repayment period. However, my family stood by my side throughout this ordeal, providing unwavering support. Their presence instilled hope within me, assuring me that I would find a solution no matter the challenges I faced.During this time, my child fell ill and required a transplant. The medical bills were mounting, and I had no means to cover the expenses. The investment I had placed my trust in failed to deliver when I needed it the most. I had invested over $1.7 million, expecting a payout in less than two weeks. Unfortunately, I was unable to withdraw my funds. Desperate for assistance, I sought help from VIRTUALHACKNET @ GMAIL dot COM ,a reputable entity known for helping individuals recover lost funds. I shared my situation with them, emphasizing the urgency of my need to retrieve the money. They quickly responded and took action.
In a remarkably short period of 48 hours, they successfully facilitated the recovery process, ensuring that the funds were returned to me. I cannot express enough gratitude for their assistance, as they seemed like guardian angels sent to rectify my situation. Through their intervention, my child’s life was ultimately saved. Should you find yourself in a similar predicament, I encourage you to reach out to them on Telegram at @ Virtualhacknet.

Jackiewicz Kimberly
Jackiewicz Kimberly

July 28, 2023

Email: Wizardwebrecovery()programmer(.)net Email: info()wizardwebrecovery(.)net
WhatsApp: +1 (480) 535-9566
Website: https:// wizardwebrecovery .net

I have consistently looked anxiously at the chance to invest. I’ve been retired for two years, and my husband and I opted to buy some Bitcoin with the money we saved by selling our company. I decided to get in touch with them about investing in their platform after seeing an advertisement on Instagram that I believed to be credible. My husband and I put down a total of $200,000.00 USD in cryptocurrencies. We were certain we would even double our initial investment. We eventually realized it was all a ruse, despite what we had been led to believe. It was a truly terrible time for us, but fortunately, we were able to get in touch with an old acquaintance who informed us about Wizard Web Recovery and how they could help us get our money back. We contacted Wizard Web Recovery, and this hacking company was able to recover everything we lost in a couple of days. Wizard Web Recovery has been a tremendous help to us, and we highly recommend that anyone who wants to get their money back do so by contacting them through the above methods.

Jackiewicz Kimberly

George Ellis
George Ellis

July 27, 2023

My husband, who had been suffering from several ailments, passed away in the early this year. I used the internet, where I had previously worked as a nurse, to seek comfort from others who had experienced similar loss. Sadly, I encountered people who had nefarious motives. Knowing that my background as a nurse offered some financial security, these criminals targeted me specifically. My emotional state was severely influenced by dealing with the death of my husband, which was a tremendously difficult experience. I was entangled in a web of online connections, receiving demands for money nonstop. They demanded several thousand dollars to pay for internet access and a child’s education expenses. My daughter saw how often I would leave our group to talk to these strangers and how profoundly obsessed I had become with them.I had spent all of my cash, sold all of my assets, and even took out a loan on my car because I was absolutely lost, which caused my daughter to argue with me. I looked through my receipts and found that over the course of several months, I had unintentionally sent over $40,000 to cyber criminals. Until my daughter came home and connected me to a hacker she had seen on her social media. I reluctantly contacted DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL . COM to ask for assistance. Fortunately, they were able to get back about all of the money that was taken. Given my own experience, I strongly advise contacting DARKRECOVERYHACKS for help if you find yourself in a comparable circumstance. They can be reached by sending a message to DARKRECOVERYHACKS at Telegram.

Leane Paige
Leane Paige

July 26, 2023

Have you ever experienced being scammed in the past, whether it was through investment or impersonation? It’s important not to feel ashamed of any mistakes, as they contribute to our growth and wisdom. Fortunately, there is now a solution available to recover lost funds. VIRTUALHACKNET INC can assist you in this matter, as they helped me retrieve £209,000 that was trapped in a scam website where I had been investing for some time. The initial investment amount was £209,000, and I earned over £190,000 in profits within just two weeks. However, when I attempted to withdraw the funds, I received a message directing me to contact support. Upon doing so, I discovered that the profits were fabricated, making me to seek an alternate way to reclaim my original investment. Thankfully, I successfully worked with the recovery team, achieving remarkable results. If you ever find yourself in need, they can assist you too. You can reach them at VIRTUALHACKNET @ GMAIL . COM or via Telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET. Even before I got involved with them , I had tried every possible means that I knew of but none of it worked out .I made a lot of plans towards the profits but all has been on hold for now . The most important thing was that I got back my initial investment, now I can look for something else more resourceful that doesn’t relate to any digital investment .

Alexander Miles
Alexander Miles

July 26, 2023

When I heard the word “Hacker” I used to think they were evil and manipulative, they just wanted to have access to your personal life and data, not until I met this “Asset Recovery Hacker” I got to know not all hackers are evil and not all heroes are drawn, shown on tv or wear capes. I lost my crypto assets to some shady crypto-asset broker on the internet who promised to earn me millions of dollars within a month or two if only I could invest with his platform. I wanted money, and there was never a way to make money without risk. I sent him a total of $553,000.00 worth of my crypto tokens. It’s been 5 months and no word from him. All I wanted was to make him pay for ripping my money and I hired ( CYBERGENIECYBERSERVICESCOM ) for that ethical hacking task of recovering my lost crypto asset. They were graciously helpful, and this asset recovery hacker’s process in recovering my lost tokens was swift, smooth, and interesting. After my experience with this hacker, my perspective on hackers changed. Cyber Genie Team Asset recovery team are wonderful. Cyber Genie offers the best solution to recover your stolen online digital asset efficiently.

Serge Mulphy
Serge Mulphy

July 26, 2023

BITCOIN, BINARY OPTION: Please everyone should be careful and stop being fooled by all these brokers and account managers, I was scammed over $893,000 of my investment capital by them, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk declined, I found it very hard to move on. Luckily I followed a broadcast online that leads me to a great Hacker (LORD HACKER ULTIMATE), I contacted their email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover back my money, including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back easily, if you have problems on any stuffed like a bank, company, examinations, database, Social media hacks, Email hacks, Phone hacks, Bitcoin hacks, increased Credit score boost to 800, School result upgrading, Binary option funds recovery Instagram, Bitcoin Mining, WhatsApp, Twitter, Monitor your colleague, access your spouse social media, and a lot more, you can contact them on : L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, Website: ( and Youtube Page: @lordhacker.ultimate


July 26, 2023

Bitcoin Scams are becoming more sophisticated and many people fall victim to them. This can be very upsetting, but don’t feel ashamed – if you’ve been the victim of a bitcoin scam or usdt scam and it’s important to report it and share it with friends and get the help you need. There is a new Agency set by the Government to help people recover their stolen funds from scammers or Bitcoin , Usdt other cryptocurrency if you have ever been a victim of scam and you wish to recover your Money please visit ( Wzardgarryspeedhack (at) gmail (dot) com) the genuine process to retrieve your stolen/scammed funds. Sometimes in early February I lost about £487,500 to a fake broker who promised me 100% profit on my investment monthly only to discover few days ago it was a shady investment and I became worried my money is gone until I got referred to “GARRY SPEEDHACK” by my close friend and this team was able to totally recover my stolen funds within few hours I hired them This has been the best service I ever got on the internet and this agency worth the positive recommendations they got on here. Get in touch now if you need similar help at, whatsapp on +1 ( 626 ) 557 – 1615 Website: https: //


July 25, 2023

By promising me enormous profits on my investment, a cryptocurrency dealer conned me out of bitcoins worth $75,000 in total. Before I sought to withdraw my gains and was asked to pay tax, I had no idea it was a deception. Until I came across an article similar to this about Craker cyberdude Recovery, a registered cryptocurrency recovery group that has been successful in recovering stolen cryptocurrency for many other people, I believed I had lost everything until I sent a notification to Craker cyberdude recovery. The next day, I got in touch with Craker cyberdude Recovery, and to my amazement, they were able to get my money back in less than 48 hours. They provide a genuinely fantastic service, and I must thank them for saving my money from these con artists’ clutches. Craker cyberdude recovery’s email address

Joseph Levonn
Joseph Levonn

July 25, 2023

I lost my money through an investment platforms whose company were registered in London, UK. They claimed to have registered their companies in the US as well. The company which is known as i woke up one day trying to login into my account but noticed i wasn’t able to do so as usual. the webpages have been inactive since that very day and I have been unable to withdraw how my total invested funds. The sites posted they were performing an internal audit during the month of May; subsequently, it announced the systems were being upgraded since early July. All official Chat-rooms at Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook are now disabled and some vanished altogether. I Contacted the CEO via WhatsApp, he did not read my notes or respond. would keep promising mouth watering ROI to lure you in showing you simulated trades and it is almost impossible for you to make a withdrawal. One excuse after the other. That’s when it became crystal clear that I have been scammed of my hard earned money. My total lost with this company was USD332,876. I needed a major portion of this balance to pay off the down-liners who were threatening to file charges for misleading as well as fraud. Their combined balance is approximately USD300,000. I was lucky to found a top wealth Recovery firm, i contacted them through ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M / Telegram: ROOTKITS7 ) which brilliantly helped recoup all my lost capital to these fraud company all within 3 days period. I can’t thank the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM enough for their professional help. I am typing this with tears rolling down my cheeks! Please stay away from KRYPTOGLOBALTRADE INVESTMENT PLATFORMS to avoid the agony and pain I went through! Spread the word and help unsuspecting victims from falling prey!

Roger Gavin
Roger Gavin

July 25, 2023

When you are in the right hands, nothing is unattainable. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery has been proven to be effective in recovering all types of lost issues, from losing access to one’s bitcoin wallet all the way to bitcoin recovery. I altered my wallet as I received notifications that my valuables had been moved. After looking for a solution to stop and disconnect the thief, I stumbled into Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, and their professionals were able to assist me get back my wallet and the bitcoin that had already been removed from it. They simply excel at what they do. Contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery right now via phone or email: using: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) or Telegram username: @Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery

Let them know I recommend you. All the best

Delancy Devin
Delancy Devin

July 25, 2023

I’ll encourage anyone who isn’t aware of cryptocurrency trading to proceed with considerable attentiveness  when making investments—or to avoid cryptocurrency entirely. With the aim of increasing my profits, I was compelled to deposit a significant percentage of my life savings on a forex platform. As an outcome, I lost roughly 35,000 USD to this devious ploy. I was not allowed to withdraw my money after investing even after my gains had increased. When my attempts to contact customer service were unsuccessful, I realized I had been duped. I spent a lot of time searching for ways to seek aid, thus being fortunate to find Coder Cyber Services, a legitimate retrieval agent. I went ahead with the decision to give it a try after explaining my situation to them and receiving their assurance that they would help me recover my monies. In all sincerity, Coder Cyber Services did an incredible job, and my money was fully refunded to my wallet account within 24 hours. I feel very blessed to have encountered a group with such incredible talent. To reach out to them, visit
Email: Codercyberservices(@)execs .com

Forever thankful.

Benjamin Giacone
Benjamin Giacone

July 25, 2023

I have been in need of a great crypto recovery hacker for hire to recover my funds for me from the hands of the imposters that have refused me payout but for over months of looking out for a private hacker to help get the job done, yet all the possible self acclaimed hackers I came across was all after money and couldn’t get the job done , at some point i almost gave up but fortunately enough for me I came across some reviews on the web about this incredible hackers, It was really a tough decision for me to make at first , to work with them considering my previous encounters with the other hackers, but i later contacted him via his email at JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. and i told him everything we got going after a few days of handling my case professionally my funds was successfully retrieved without trace to my wallet address that i had provided at the beginning .. I’m glad to write this very review as an appreciation post and as well help someone out there get the right hacker they need .. contact them at email: mailto: or you can contact also the Telegram ID : Jethackss

Khalid Johnson
Khalid Johnson

July 25, 2023

If it weren’t for my decision to seek assistance from V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M, I can’t fathom how my life would be right now after losing my savings to crypto scammers. Despite attempting to work with several individuals on this matter, none of them possessed the necessary skills to address the issue. Fortunately, I discovered Virtualhacknet through Reddit and promptly provided them with the relevant information about the fraudulent company and how I became aware of it. They assured me of a 100% satisfaction guarantee regarding their services. Remarkably, within a span of less than three days, they successfully completed the entire retrieval process, recovering my lost funds. Impressed by their expertise, I referred a friend who had also fallen victim to a catfish scam on a dating app. Virtualhacknet employed the same effective method to securely restore her funds back into her bank account, which she had used for transfers. Later on, she messaged me, amazed by the final outcome. She had initially believed the money was irretrievable, but with Virtualhacknet, a solution was just around the corner. I encourage you to promptly contact their team through their official Telegram channel: @ Virtualhacknet, to receive guidance throughout the recovery process.


July 24, 2023

Someone I met online persuaded me to make a cryptocurrency investment. They have had access to a group of observers who provided accurate predictions on when BTC would increase. I first attempted with a tiny amount to confirm, and I was successful in withdrawing a few times. This showed that the signals I was receiving were getting stronger. I made the decision to include the money for education as well. Everything started to go wrong at that point because when I tried to contact the person, he had banned all of his contacts. Before Craker cyberdude recovery was suggested to me, I tried everything. I was thrilled that Craker cyberdude Recovery actually assisted me in recovering everything for a reasonable cost. If you require a recovery team to assist you in recovering your lost cryptocurrency cash, you should try them

Joe Patel
Joe Patel

July 24, 2023

I was conned back at the beginning of this year, roughly 75,000 dollars and I emptied all of my possessions in an effort to increase my profit without realizing it.They sent me a link to a website or an app,The scripts demonstrate how to launch an application or website where you may create an account with a username and password and add cryptocurrency to the account. You receive a reward if you invest more money. Of course, paying for the software means paying for the scammer’s wallet.The victim is allegedly earning commission and rewards after money was sent from their bitcoin wallet to the con artists’, and like previous frauds of a similar nature, they frequently display what looks to be evidence of this, which will never actually exist. The web apps also provide a withdrawal feature, but it essentially merely encourages users to part with their money. I spent a lot of time investing and waiting for returns, but they were all illusions. I still had to look for a hacker, about whom there are mixed opinions, but I had to give it a shot nevertheless. I had to text the DARKRECOVERYHACKS group of experts, but I sent the docs to DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL dot COM instead. team explained that they had not observed any transfers back to the victim and crucial questions were raised with me. I don’t know how they did it, but they managed to complete the transaction in 4 days, which was A-class work. I hope that anyone else who has experienced cryptocurrency fraud doesn’t give up and acts swiftly to recover their funds.

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